Unleash Your Spiritual Giftedness to Live Your Most Fulfilling Life

5 Keys to Understanding Your Spiritual Awakening
End cycles of chronic depression, dissolve fear and anxiety, be confident in yourself around others, and start feeling personally empowered.
“I will show you how to use conscious language to shatter all limiting beliefs, judgments, and negative emotions about your mystical gifts so you can tap into your inner magic and perceive a higher soul-nourishing reality”
Athena Lucene

Welcome, I am Athena Lucene...
I am spiritually gifted just like you, and through my own experience I came to the clarity and awareness that I was meant to teach others how to follow the guidance of their spirit within and to live a spell-bounding, purposeful life.
My energy healing and intuitive abilities have always been natural for me. I have an innate gift of connecting with my soul essence and allowing the high vibrational energy to flow through me and guide me on what to do and how to be in my life.
Maintaining this clear line of communication with the highest aspect of my being has allowed me to experience overcoming all obstacles and challenges that have presented themselves to me, and I’m going to show you the spiritual practices that will allow you to do the same.
“Discover your power as a spiritually gifted individual, and give yourself permission to start living abundantly!”
Latest Podcast Episodes

Episode 40: Don’t Be Afraid to Embrace Your Uniqueness
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Episode 39: How to Cope as The Black Sheep of Your Family
Listen to Episode

Episode 38: Spiritual Detox From Your Narcissist Lover
Listen to Episode
What Others Are Saying...

Athena is highly intuitive, thought provoking, empowering and truly aligned within her spirit. I have had the pleasure of several coaching calls with Athena as I was going through my transformation and becoming more understanding of my true spiritual gifts. Often times, I felt misunderstood, isolated from people and realized how sensitive I was to others’ emotions and physical feelings.
I am empathic and I didn't know what to do with that or how to protect myself. Athena, through her own personal journey and spiritual abilities, was able to support me and walk with me through my process. I am very grateful for all our coaching calls because now I am more aligned with my true gifts and I know how to protect it and stay energized.
I highly recommend connecting with Athena as she has tons of experience and a wealth of knowledge and a knowing that is truly innate. She is truly gifted, and can help you foster your own spiritual gifts.

It’s refreshing to work with someone that’s so spiritually inclined to help guide you towards getting a better understanding and enhancing your spiritual gifts.
Athena is so insightful and helped me to understand my relationship with others and why others respond to my energy the way they do. She helped me feel more confident about my abilities and establishing healthy boundaries with people so that I can stay balanced.

Thanks to Athena's gifts and intuitive guidance I was able to align with my Divine purpose. Her intuitive skills are impressive: she is so quick and skilled in releasing the blocks that subconsciously may be holding you back.
Also, thanks to her support, I became much more empowered in my femininity and able to end a long-term relationship that no longer served my growth. Without Athena's support I wouldn't be able to step into a such a high version of myself.
I deeply recommend Athena's work and guidance to anyone desiring to expand their spiritual gifts and find peace of mind, joy and passion again in their lives.

I had a beautiful experience working with Athena. Her informative insights and energy readings are very accurate and encouraging. I appreciate her gentle and healing approach; it allowed me to open up and dissolve old energetic blockages I wasn’t aware of.
I had a burning question about my grandfather and father who had already made their transitions. Athena was able to receive their message and with accurate details described a necklace I had owned. She relayed their message that they are watching over me and that I should wear it because it would be a conduit for a stronger sense of connection and to receive guidance from them. Since wearing the necklace, I have noticed more lucid states of dreaming and more frequent higher dimensional communications and insights.
I love her enthusiasm and passion in supporting others to make grand shifts and balance in their lives as they develop their unique abilities. As a result of our sessions, I have become more confident and trusting of my intuitive gifts and certain about a positive future of my own divine creation.