On this episode I discuss the negative connotations associated with the word psychic and offer a deeper understanding of what the word really means, and how it applies to your spiritual gifts.
I want to invite you to investigate what emotions you feel about the word psychic, and where your beliefs, whether they are negative or positive, come from.
Does it come from growing up in the church? Does it come from what you were told about psychics by someone who didn’t understand that special spiritual gift?
Let’s really examine what you were told and encouraged to believe about psychics, because when persons don’t understand something — society as a whole specifically — it is feared.
Episode Highlights:
- Addressing the negative connotation about the word psychic
- The definition of the word psychic
- Exploring your personal beliefs about the word psychic
- How to strengthen your first eye and build mental strength
- Psychic abilities are the foundational gifts for the spiritually gifted
- Experiencing multiple abilities simultaneously and managing them
- Dissolving fear of your psychic abilities by learning to understand them
- Discovering various psychic abilities and how they correlate
- Becoming more comfortable as you awaken to more conscious expansion
- Cultivating a healthy spiritual mindset toward your special gifts
- How to receive more guidance and support from like-minded individuals
Transcription: (Click Here to Download a PDF Copy of This Transcription)
I harmonize in order to survive, modeling instinct. I seal the store of life force with the galactic tone of integrity. I am guided by the power of universal water.
Welcome to episode 25 of the Cosmic Celebrity Podcast here at athenalucene.com. Today, I’ll be talking to you about how to dissolve the fearful, negative perceptions of the word “psychic.”
You’ll also receive intuitive energy healing that will naturally realign you to your unique energetic imprint, the frequency which is you; your unique essence, your divine essence, the spark of the divinity divine that is you.
And the more you integrate all aspects of yourself, the more you integrate more with your soul, the higher version of yourself, and express that in your physical life experience. That is what I call having a cosmic celebrity experience, right? When you live a purposeful life, and when you live and speak your truth, essentially.
Why the Word Psychic Has a Negative Perception in Society
So I was a little bit hesitant to do this episode because, in my experience, the word “psychic” has such negative connotations sometimes. And a lot of times it’s from, in my experience, the religious paradigm.
More oftentimes, it’s a negative connotation that comes from the religious paradigm, the religious understanding; the traditional religious understanding that psychic powers or spiritual gifts could be something that is evil, that comes from an evil source.
And it really takes a level of you growing, allowing yourself to grow and allow your own process to organically unfold, to arrive to a position where you are at the level of your consciousness, where it resonates with you truly that there is a divine essence, source energy, the creator.
And for me, I described this divine essence using different words at different levels of my consciousness. And so whether it’s god, source energy, the creator, the most high, whatever language you feel safe with, that’s all right. It’s all alright.
But the bottom line is, I’ve found in my experience that there’s so much negative perceptions about “psychic,” right? If you say to someone, “What is a psychic?” a lot of times you’ll hear various different definitions, various different descriptions based on so many different perceptions.
Some people have a frame of reference of the word “psychic” as people who fortune tell, and people who tell the future, and can tell you about hexes that’s on you, that puts hexes on you, and all these other things. While someone else might describe it as, “Well a psychic is anyone who have certain abilities allowing them to be able to glimpse the non-physical realm; have supernatural insight,” and so on and so forth.
It’s one of my greatest pet peeves, if I were to have one, that such a beautiful gift such as being intuitive and being so connected with your soul essence that you’re intuitively guided, you’re receiving information that is helpful and beneficial to your life, and for that to be marred as such a negative thing, as an evil thing that comes from an evil source.
And for that to be marred in that way, in such a negative way, such a beautiful gift of discernment, and intuition, and divine connection, to be placed in such a negative light and to foster such a negative connotation around it.
How I Define the Word Psychic
I’d like to introduce you to the definition of psychic as far as I’m concerned: If you are psychic, all that means is that it’s of the mind. You’re of the mind, and you have the mental strength.
It’s a flow of energy, it’s a flow of an integration of non-physical sight; whether it be clairvoyant sight, whether it’s the ability to glimpse into the non-physical realm as well as the physical realm simultaneously.
It’s like you having access to your first eye, which is right in between both of your eyes, which is your supernatural eyes, and your physical eyes; your left and your right eye.
And if you have psychic abilities, or spiritual gifts, or mediumships, or any of those types of abilities, if you can feel energy, if you can sense the emotions of others, if you have just this intuitive knowing and can’t even explain how you know something, those are psychic abilities. And it’s actually the more you grow spiritually, the more you become sensitive to this type of non-physical awareness and non-physical sense of information or ability to have this non-physical information. And to be able to tap into this and have the integration and the understanding of it, and being able to use it as a gift to yourself and a gift to others.
But the word “psychic,” all that means is a mental flow of energy. And it’s about using that mental flow of energy with integrity; to manifest and co-create a wonderful life that is soul-nourishing and full of fulfillment, and that fosters your attaining one divine desire after another.
And notice I said “divine desire” because divine desire is desire that is nourishing for your soul; it is desire that is not of lower, negative, third-dimensional, constructural programming based on competition, or egotistical desires, and things of that nature.
It is desires that are divine, that is in alignment and congruent with your purpose. It’s desires that, in having those desires, they help you. They nurture you so that you can stand in the truth of your purpose, so that you can feel fortified, and so that your spiritual journey… It gives you stamina, it rejuvenates you, these personal desires. It gives you a sense of wonder, and adventure, and being able to really enjoying your life journey, one manifestation after another. Comforts that are complimentary to the nourishment of your soul.
Nobody’s meant to be stressed out over money and suffering over relationships and emotional states of well-being. Nobody’s meant to be suffering in that way.
It is through your psychic abilities that you are able to really manage and integrate your abilities and incorporate them in a healthy, holistic way so that you can truly enjoy your life. So that your life can be effortless, so that you can see beyond the physical, and so that you are allowing of the guidance that is meant for you to have; the instinct that you are meant to be awakened to.
So, the word “psychic” … I want to challenge you to investigate what do you feel about the word “psychic,” and where does your beliefs, whether it’s negative or positive, where does it come from? Does it come from growing up in the church, does it come from what you were told about psychics?
Let’s really examine what you were told, what you were taught to believe about psychics. Because when persons don’t understand something, society as a whole specifically, when it is not understood, it is feared. And from fear comes the negative connotations, like “Oh, that person is evil,” or whatever the situation.
There’s nothing evil that’s going on here. There is nothing demonic, or dark, or not in aligned with spiritual truth that’s going on here in the exploration of your psychic sixth sense abilities, or your psychic spiritual gifts. These are divine gifts, these are your power. This is how you are going to foster and take hold of your personal empowerment.
So, if you are blocked because of the negative connotation behind the word “psychic,” if you’re blocked from truly exploring that and embracing that within you, you’re going to end up being very unhappy and dissatisfied in your life.
You’re not going to be able to truly embrace who you are. You’re not going to be able to have the well-meaning experiences, one after another, and the joy, and the passion in your life you’re meant to have if you keep denying, and suppressing, and getting stuck in these emotional feedback loops around the negative connotations that you may or may not be aware of that you’re carrying in your subconscious mind about the word “psychic.”
All psychic is, is of the mind. Because of first eye is the non-physical eye, it takes mental strength to strengthen that sight, to be able to see clearly through your first eye. Because it’s not a physical eye; it’s a supernatural eye, it’s an invisible eye. But through the strengthening of your mental muscle, through the strengthening of strengthening your mind, your mind’s eye, that’s how you’ll be able to see. That’s how you’re going to be able to see with that eye, through your psychic eye.
And so I want to challenge you to really examine all the false things that you have been told about your abilities. And don’t be so sensitive about the word “psychic,” you know what I mean?
Psychic is beautiful, mediumship is beautiful, and it doesn’t make you gothic, it doesn’t make you evil, or any of these negative perceptions. Break through that. Break through that, and get to the root, and get to the understanding so that you’re clear on exactly what’s what, and not just living out an automatic program around the connotation about a word.
And I challenge you to do that even with other words. Not just the word “psychic,” other words as well. Really start thinking and awakening, and recognize various programmings.
If you are aware of your own power, you got to ask yourself who’s benefit is it if you are disempowered, if you’re not aware of your own power? If you’re not questioning, if you are told just to believe something blindly? You got to look into those programmings and see if they serve you.
Look into those paradigms and see if they’re nourishing for you, if they serve your personal empowerment. Because what good are you to this planet if you are not standing in the truth of your power? If you are disempowered, you’re no good to yourself or anyone else.
So really start exploring your beliefs around various words, like the word “psychic.” You are psychic. Even if you’re an empath, you are psychic.
I was having the conversation with a good girlfriend of mine last night actually, and she’s an empath, she’s spiritually gifted. She’s more than an empath. But I asked her, I said, “Do you consider yourself a psychic?” and she said, “No.”
And I said, “Well I would consider you a psychic even as an empath.”
She’s more attuned with her empathic abilities than the other abilities; she’s in the self-discovery process with the other abilities, her clairvoyance abilities and so forth. But I brought it to her attention. I said, “But psychic is that first eye that you’re able to be able to glimpse the supernatural realm, the non-physical realm, with.”
So, if you’re empathic and you can sense the emotions of other persons, and you have visions through your clairvoyant abilities, that’s a psychic ability.
Understanding Your Psychic Gifts
So many times when you’re spiritually gifted, you’re a psychic, right? Psychic is like the general way that you access information from the non-physical realm. The specifics of it, whether you’re a clairvoyant, whether you’re empathic, whether you can see/sense/feel energy, whether it’s vibrational translations, whether you see auras, those are different forms of psychic abilities. But they’re all psychic abilities. They’re spiritual gifts, they’re spiritual, psychic, and mediumship abilities.
So just wanted to really challenge you to really start thinking about things, and be your own free-thinker. Absolutely be your own free-thinker, right? Don’t just take what anybody says or what I say as truth. Really check in with yourself and see how it feels for you.
But I really challenge you to take a look at these words specifically and check out your own emotions around words such as “psychic.” And get to that deeper level of self-discovery and self-understanding so that you can dissolve those blockages, those energetic blockages around these words, so that you can lean in more and embrace your abilities more, and understand more about them, and understand more how to incorporate them in your life.
Because understanding is key, and once you understand more about your abilities, more about you, more about your journey, more about your soul evolution, the more peace of mind you’re going to embrace, the more natural states of divinity and well-being you will be able to embrace.
And this is important also in not only to do the inner work with yourself in a sacred space, in a way of solitude, but also it’s important to have a community of like-minded people who are on a similar journey, who are also spiritually gifted. To have that support, that camaraderie.
And no person’s journey is exactly the same, but it makes a tremendous difference when you can talk to someone else who is gifted just like you, and to be able to describe your journey, and learn from their journey, and share your journey. And they learn from yours. This is key. Support yourself, allow yourself to be supported in this way.
Getting Connected with Like-Minded Individuals
And so, I am in the process of creating the Blossoming The Inner Spirit Program, and this program is absolutely going to be the mentorship, and the community, and the camaraderie that you’re needing to really get to the next level of understanding about your gifts, and about your life, and about how it all comes together, and the synchronicities of it all. And what’s the bigger picture, and what it’s meant to be and do for your life; what purpose is your abilities … How are they meant to support you, and uplift you, and gift you that fulfilling, nourishing life that you deserve?
The course, it’s a digital program. It has those aspects where you can go through at your own pace, through the modules and through the exercises, and then there’s a weekly group coaching where you will have the opportunity to get one-on-one live group coaching with me — specifics about your situation, your personal circumstances, in a supportive group atmosphere. And be able to just break through and get to that next level, and understand your abilities more, and understand the wordplay around various words such as “psychic.” And get clarity, and get understanding, and get more integrated, right?
Get more integrated, and grounded, and rooted in your truth so that you can start loving yourself on a deeper level, so that you can stop shaming your abilities. So that you can start really embracing them as the special, beautiful, unique gifts that they are, and re-contextualize that into a way that’s going to really serve you; give yourself the frame of reference that’s going to serve you and empower you through your abilities.
And in the meantime while I’m creating this program, which will be available in the very near future, you can join the wait list. Go to blossomingtheinnerspirit.com and you can join the wait list.
And once the program is available, you’ll be able to get more details about it, you’ll be able to register, and you’ll be able to have the latest, most updated information with the progress and when the course is available.
So, allow yourself to be supported in this way. Spiritual growth is everything to me, and being as a person who’s also spiritually gifted who went through my own challenges, and made so many mistakes, and so many relationships that probably could’ve been … There’s so many things that could’ve been different in my own personal journey if I had the understanding, if I had the coaching, if I had the mentorship, if I had the community, the camaraderie — somebody else to really be able to bounce ideas off of, and describe my gifts, and they could describe theirs to me, and learn from each other.
If I had that … There was so much heartache, there was so much discomforts, emotional discomforts, that I wouldn’t have had to endure. But I endured that, and I know for a fact that you don’t have to endure that to nurture your abilities and blossom your inner spirit, and understand more, and grow more and more within your personal empowerment.
So that was my inspiration in creating this program and creating this community. I truly desired for spiritual gifted persons to have somewhere to go to where they can truly be themselves and feel the emotional, mental, and psychological support that they deserve to have so that they can truly integrate their gifts, shift any negative perceptions around their gifts. So that they can truly embrace them and empower themselves in their own life, so that they can have peace of mind and fulfillment.
So once again, I welcome you to go to blossomingtheinnerspirit.com, join the wait list, allow yourself to be supported, allow your journey, your process to unfold in comfort and ease with a sense of deep understanding of what’s happening, and give yourself the language and the way for you to be able to experience yourself truly in an empowering way.
Also share in the spirit of love; if there’s anyone else that you know who’s also spiritually gifted that can benefit from this information or from this podcast, share it in the spirit of love so that they can also become empowered.
And also feel free to comment. I look forward to receiving your comments, and I always look forward to receiving them and also responding to them, and just to do whatever I can to be of support, of guidance, to anyone and all persons who are ready for that next level. It’s my absolute joy in doing so.
This is the kind of stuff that lights me up; spirituality and just embracing the totality of being spiritually gifted. The totality of that experience is such a rewarding experience, especially when you’re integrated, and you’re rooted, and you’re grounded, and you truly have the understanding behind it. It’s the most satisfying and soul-nourishing thing, experience.
I am Athena Lucene, and I came to this Earth planetary construct as a galactic beacon of expanded love and light consciousness here to support you, here to add to and mentor you, and nurture you on your spiritual growth and soul evolution back to the universal collective consciousness; the universal oneness.
Again, it’s my absolute joy to support you. I look forward to receiving and responding to your comments, and once again, share in the spirit of love this information with anyone that you think would benefit.
…And in the meantime, go to blossomingtheinnerspirit.com. Get yourself on that wait list if it speaks to you, if it calls to you.
That’s it for now. Abundant blessing and blissful moments.
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