This episode is for all the empaths out there. I discuss how to live more grounded as an empath, and how to have a healthy detachment from another person’s energy that you have previously taken on.
Allowing yourself to be receptive to other people’s low vibrational energy and taking it into your energy field is not your purpose, and on this podcast, I share tips on what to do about this. I talk about ways you can still support others and show compassion while maintaining balance and taking care of your own health and well-being.
Episode Highlights:
- A common energetic block that many empaths have
- Reframing the purpose of your abilities
- How your body responds to the energy you are taking on
- Showing compassion while protecting your energy field
- The effects of having heightened sensitivities
- Using your abilities to discern energetic truth
- Being mindful of the energies that you open yourself up to
- Assisting others while maintaining your own emotional, physical, and psychological health
- Dissolving the belief that others must feed off of your light
- Being deliberate about how you will interact with other people
- Making sure that your life has balance
- Making healthy, conscious choices
- Being intentional about how you use your energy and what energies you allow yourself to focus on
Transcription: (Click Here to Download a PDF Copy of This Transcription)
I harmonize in order to survive, modeling instinct. I seal the store of life force with the galactic tone of integrity. I am guided by the power of universal water.
Welcome to episode 17 of the Cosmic Celebrity Podcast here at On this episode I’ll be talking about demystifying the truth about living as an empath.
The Myth Many Empaths Believe
Many empaths out there believe that they’re meant to take on the negative emotions and the negative vibrations of other persons – the persons in their environment, the persons in their day to day going and coming. So we’re going to demystify a lot of those myths and a lot of those common beliefs, and kind of get more clarity – more spiritual truth – about how to live more grounded as an empath, and how to have a healthy, compassionate, but detachment, healthy detachment from other persons that you are supporting by radiating and expanding your light and showing deep level of compassion and expressions of kindness and love.
You’ll also receive divine downloads that will naturally and intuitively realign your unique energetic imprint to your natural soul essence, your divine essence, your unique spark of the divine, the Creator, the All that is, the universal oneness. The more you align and integrate with this divine truth, your inner truth, while you’re having your physical life experience – that is what I call expressing and embodying your cosmic celebrity – the better you become at embodying and living and speaking your truth and living more aligned and integrated with the truth of who you are, your divine essence. And through embracing and developing your abilities more and more as you become heightened in your extrasensory perceptions, this is what I call having a cosmic celebrity.
So, oftentimes when I’m talking to persons, and I am either at a workshop or through one on one coaching sessions or just even receiving comments and emails and just speaking to other persons, and even just what I see, information I see on social media, information I see on YouTube videos and other avenues I often come across, you know, there’s this common thread. There’s this collective agreement that empaths, or persons who have heightened sensitivities towards the emotions, the feelings, the misfortunes of others, the experiences that others are enduring that are less than preferred, they have a heightened sensitivity, so they take on those emotions.
So if there is someone that is expressing really sad or “disappointing” situation that they’re enduring, that they’re “suffering” through … because oftentimes it’s prefaced in a way from a low vibrational state, that empath, or that person with this extra heightened sensitivity, would take on those emotions.
So even prior to that conversation, this empath would feel as if … you know … would feel happy, joyous, would be happy and merry go lucky and happy about their day, and just have an overall happy and joyous continence. Then, by the end of the conversation, or by coming into contact with another individual that’s sharing a misfortunate experience that they’re growing with – whether or not they’re aware of it, they’re growing with the experience if they’re willing, but on some level they are always growing with the experience – but by the end of the conversation, that person with the empathic ability, all of a sudden they feel sad, they feel depressed, like literally as if it’s their own emotions that … you know, as if they’re enduring the experience with themselves, like it’s their personal situation and they’re experiencing it first hand, because their receptivity towards energy and the emotions and the energy field of the person that they were interacting with is so sensitive. It’s so open that they take on those emotions.
There seems to be this common belief that, well that’s just how it is. There’s a very common energetic block that a person who’s an empath has to take on these emotions and that that’s what their purpose is, and that that’s what they’re meant to be doing … is to take on the lower vibrational energies of everybody that they come in contact with day to day.
Like, there’s this belief that that’s just what you do as an empath, and how dare you not do that as an empath, because that’s what your gifts require of you, that’s what you are meant to be doing. You’re meant to be generating light for people who are not able to generate it for themselves. I say that that’s absolutely not true!
It’s gotten to the point now where I had to do this podcast to cover that very topic, to offer some clarity and some deeper spiritual insights.
You’re not here to take on anybody’s lower vibrational emotions and take that onto yourself and take that into your energy field and your body chemistry, and all of a sudden now you’re experiencing all this type of negative lower vibrational emotions of sadness and depression day to day, and like it’s your normal. Then before you know it, now you have chronic illness, now you have manifested something in your physical body that is aligned with whatever form of dis-ease. Because you have taken on so much negative energy throughout your day to day life, year after year, that now your body is reacting to these negative emotions even though they’re not even yours.
You Don’t Have to Take on Anyone’s Negative Emotions
And so, I challenge you to think differently about this. I challenge you to show up a little bit differently so that you can still be compassionate … Absolutely, be compassionate. The idea is not … I’m not advocating here that you should not be compassionate to others. What I’m saying is that you don’t have to take on their negative emotions.
You don’t have to open up your energy field so that you are receptive to these negative and lower vibrational emotions. You can in fact support another person with true sincere deep compassion, but on the same token stand protected in your energy field. Walk away after a conversation and still feel the lightness and the positive emotions of your own energy field that is in rhythm and in accordance with your own belief and your own spiritual insight and knowing of divine truth that you are well and all is well and everything is magnetized to you for your highest and greatest good, and there’s no good that can benefit you that will ever be withheld from you.
So you are in a natural knowing of this because you have a heightened sensitivity to be in sync with this understanding – whether you are consciously or not, you tend to just hold a higher vibration. You tend to naturally generate more love and light, higher conscious frequency because of your sensitivities.
So protect your energy field is what I am offering you. Protect your energy field while being compassionate with others.
So if you see someone that is homeless and you’re driving by that person and they’re homeless or they have a sign that says that they’re hungry and accepting contribution – whether it’s monetarily, or if you have food – and you feel like you’re always needing … you’re obligated to give all the time, you’re obligated to do all the time … take on another person’s energy with no thought or really any energy towards yourself and your own needs in that moment, I would say to you that I need you to reframe that for yourself. The idea is to use your abilities to discern energetic truth about others and the situation, so that you can know how to be present in the situation and move in the situation. But, there is a way to do it.
Always protect your energy field. Always ensure that you have some type of awareness when you are approaching a situation that you can only do what you can do, and there are things that are going to be and that are absolutely not in your control.
Be Mindful of Your Value & Honor Yourself
Always be mindful that you are valuable as well, and it’s not about giving everything that you have away, because that’s not loving. That’s not honoring of yourself, and there is a balance that’s required with everything you do and everything you say and the way you live your life.
So what good is it if you honor or assist someone else and show all this love for someone else, but then you’re not being loving to yourself. It’s kind of like that’s backwards, right? Because if you’re allowing yourself to be opened up energetically to receive negative emotions because you think that that’s just the way it is and that’s how it should be, that’s not loving to yourself, that’s not kind.
Just as you are compelled to be kind and loving to someone else through your gestures, through even being a listening ear to someone else who needs that friend in that moment … all those things … the same love and gentleness and care that you extend to others, I want to challenge you to extend it to yourself first. Extend that to yourself first. Nourish yourself first. Take good care of you.
Make sure that you are emotionally in a good place. Make sure that you are honoring your truth; you are balanced and aligned with the things throughout your day that are going to empower you, empower your future, add to your success, and also make you feel good, right? Because it’s all about feeling good and feeling and experiencing your well-being and your aliveness and your vitality.
So do the things that fill you up first, and then as you are filled up it’s like your cup is over pouring, and as your cup over pours with the abundance of compassion and kindness and love and comfort for others, they’ll feel it.
They’ll get it from the cup overflowing from you, but if you’re depleted and your energy is not as optimal and you keep giving, giving, giving, and your energy is depleted, you are feeling sadness and depression, you’re taking on extra sadness and depression and lower emotions that are not even yours, there is absolutely nothing loving or kind about that.
So what I would say is compassionately, be compassionate, but absolutely be detached. Have a healthy detachment from the other person’s situation in the sense of where you can assist them and help them as much as you can, while maintaining your own health, your own emotional, psychological, and physical health.
It’s kind of like, if someone is drowning, you put your life jacket on first and then go to try to save them, right? You have to make sure you’re safe first, because it doesn’t make sense that you guys both drown, right?
That’s probably a terrible analogy, but that was the first one that came to mind so … I think you get the gist.
Self-Care & Nurturance
I want you to dismiss this belief. Dissolve this belief that because you’re an empath that, oh my gosh, you’re just meant to be generating your light and generating a lot of light – even if you’re doing it subconsciously without realizing that you’re doing it – and just allowing other people to feed off of your light and that’s just the way it is. And then you go home, and then you deal with it, and then you hide in your cave or in your house because you’re feeling so sad and low vibe and dealing with all these emotions that’s not even yours.
You can’t even sense your own emotions anymore, because everything is all convoluted, everything is just jumbled up – the water is just muddied now. It’s like, what’s the point? What’s the gain in that?
So, get connected with a strong spiritual base. Recommit to your spiritual growth and do a spiritual practice when you first awaken in the morning and get very clear on your intentions for the day. Just be very deliberate about how you’re going to interact with other people and understanding the boundaries and the lines between what you can do in a healthy fashion to help someone else.
It’s okay, you know. You don’t have to always force your assistance and help towards other people. You do what you can when you can and you be all right with that, that you’ve done everything that you can do and that’s all you can do. Be okay with that. Tomorrow is another day, tomorrow is another gift; it’s another opportunity to be a blessing again to someone else. And just understand that, that you need to stay balanced with that.
You can’t be off balance when you’re trying to help other people or when you’re trying to just be everything to everyone. There’s no such thing. It’s not realistic that you will be able to help everybody and that you will be able to give everything away, and that you allow yourself to constantly just be crying … just be tearful, emotional, and all this other stuff because of somebody else’s emotion, or because of multiple people’s emotions throughout the day.
That’s just not healthy, that’s just not balanced. And before you know it, you are literally going to be at a place where you’re just like, “You know what, that just is what it is” … and then you will not live nearly as fulfilling of a life as you’re meant to live, because you’re just stuck in this emotional feedback loop that, you know, “well, that’s just the way it is” and you’re just supposed to be generating your light just to take on other people’s energy, specifically their negative energy.
You know, be around some happy people. Make sure that your life has balance. It’s not all about taking on the negative emotions of other people. There’s some really juicy vibrational energetically aligned and alivened people out there. Be around them. Balance it out.
Nourish the divinity within you and really feed your soul literally. Like … literally … like … be around happy people too. Don’t just be around a whole bunch of sad people or a bunch of people that are … just are pessimistic and just always negative. I mean, I know you can think of a few just right off the top of your head.
Make a healthy conscious choice to just kind of mix it up, and, you know, there’s nothing wrong with helping someone else, or being benevolent and generous and giving of your time, or giving of your gifts, or giving of your money, or whatever the situation is when you’re inspired to share yourself in that way, but make sure that you are conscious and present and aware of how it’s impacting you, and what the consequence of that is.
Just do it a bit more mindfully and skillfully, and with a bit more presence of mind and consciousness as far as how you’re going to support the persons in your life when they show up in this way.
Just be very aware that their issues are their issues, and while you’re compassionate to it, it’s not your issue for you to take on, per se, to the point where you’re getting physically ill; where you’re having these long states of depression and dense energy all around you, because now you can’t shift it because you haven’t given yourself enough balance, you know, of being around a balance of happy people. In fact, that’s the preference. If you can be around more happy and optimistic people than not, then do that.
I get that there’s going to be persons like co-workers or persons at various different social functions that you can’t control how they’re going to show up. You know, like, what type of people they are – are they generally happy people or are they pessimistic people?
You can’t always control … you can’t control that, but you can control who you are around, when you’re around them, how long you’re around them, and things of that nature … and being aware of what energy everybody is bringing to the table, including your own, and deciding what energy you’re going to be a part of and what energy you’re going to really partake in.
Like, what are you focusing your efforts on? What are the conversations about? Be conscious and deliberately be intentional about how you’re using your energy, and who you’re around, and your overall balance when it comes towards your self-care and your own soul nurturing and love for yourself.
So if you are experiencing any of these challenges, or if you know someone who’s experiencing these types of challenges, by all means forward this podcast to them. Let’s kind of rethink or re-shift the focus and kind of dismantle … like, demystify this myth that as an empath it’s your duty, it’s your purpose to take on other people’s negative energy and just sit in that energy and allow it to just permeate throughout you and effect you negatively … and then, you know, eventually you’ll get shaken off and then you just repeat that cycle.
That’s an absolute myth; so far from spiritual truth. And let’s adapt this new thinking of compassionate love, and kind of like a healthy love with a healthy distance – healthy detachment, I should say – while you’re doing whatever you can do that is reasonable for you to assist and to help the situation without you becoming off balance. Doing what you can do while you are in the truth of your own divine health and well-being and positive energy.
I’m Athena Lucene, and I am a galactic beacon of expanded love and light consciousness. I came to this third dimensional construct, the planetary earth construct, to assist you in your spiritual growth and your evolution through your journey back to the universal oneness.
If you have any questions or if you are looking for more support with overcoming the challenges of a spiritually gifted person, go to, scroll down under Take the First Steps to Clarity and Emotional Balance, and click the phrase or the phrases to receive a free video training that’s going to assist you with that specific challenge.
That’s it for now. I look forward to receiving your feedback and your comments and absolutely responding. Please share this episode with anyone that you think can benefit from it. And again, it’s my absolute joy to support you on your spiritual growth.
That’s it for now. Abundant blessings and blissful moments!
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