Walking your path may seem like a challenge, but as soon as you allow yourself to embrace your essence, you will find peace in all circumstances.
Tune in as I share insights on becoming more self-aware so you can break free from energy draining patterns that continue to present themselves in your life. On this episode, you will hear me mention peace producing internal and external actions to take that you may be overlooking.
Episode Highlights:
- Embracing your divine essence
- Being multidimensional
- The power of intuitive discernment
- Detaching from conflict
- Entering an experience with clarity
- Exercising your personal power
- Maintaining high vibrational frequency
- Why you need to put yourself first
- The importance of understanding human nature
- Why you need to start getting into your own inner world
- Activating your gifts and using them to create a blissful life
- Breaking free from cycles of depression and sadness
- Hermit mode can be healthy
- The ultimate game changer
- A simple way to purify your energy
- Dissolving energy patterns that don’t serve you
- Being in love with yourself
Transcription: (Click Here to Download a PDF Copy of This Transcription)
You’re listening to the Cosmic Celebrity Podcast where spiritually gifted persons receive information and tips on awakening their consciousness to develop and integrate their abilities in their daily life through spiritual growth. Here’s your host Athena Lucene.
I harmonize in order to survive, modeling instinct. I seal the store of life force with the galactic tone of integrity. I am guided by the power of universal water.
Welcome to episode 34 of the Cosmic Celebrity Podcast here at athenalucene.com. On today’s episode, you’ll be receiving divine downloads that will realign your frequency to your natural… natural, unique, vibrational state that emanates your unique divine essence.
We’ll be discussing how self-awareness is a key to a more peaceful life. And the more you embody these different types of advices and you live a little bit and you learn a little bit and the more you grow spiritually, the more you become awakened and aware of your surroundings more and your life and the key players in your life.
Because really everybody’s a key player in your life, it’s just for you to uncover the patterns. It’s for you to discern the insights, because there is a continual flow of information always available to you so that you can always be at the brink of realizing your opportunities of divine epiphanies, and a more understanding and clarity around circumstances that you may have experienced that you didn’t know the real meaning of before, until you’ve had that awakening or that epiphany.
So, when I say cosmic celebrity, we’re all cosmic celebrities. And I believe that the more that we live life and experience life, and through our willingness to grow and expand and become closer, become closer to the Creator, to become more aware of the divine oneness, the universal oneness, and the more we radiate our light and the more we shine that light, the more we accept ourselves and love ourselves, I believe that there is a natural process that occurs and a natural unfolding and development that occurs, that allows us to embrace our divine essence more.
And so, as we embrace our divine essence, I call that having or being your version of a cosmic celebrity, right? We’re, you know, like a cosmic star.
We’re all stars, we’re all divine, beautiful beings and souls. And the more we align with that essence, the more we are experiencing ourselves as cosmic celebrities, because we came to this planet for a special purpose and the more we embrace our divine essence, the more that we’re actually living that purpose, right? The more were aligned with our hashtag cosmic celebrity.
Being the Observer AND the Participator
So, right, so today we’re going to talk about just how awareness is a key to a more peaceful life. And when I say awareness, what I mean by that is more awareness about your abilities, you know, more awareness about your place, your place on this planet, and just how your light really radiates and affects an impact in subtle ways that you may not even realize all the environments that you find yourself in.
So, in your day-to-day activities – going to work, going to school – whatever it is that you’re doing and the wherever you are, when you are self-aware, when you are mindful, when you are an observer and a participator in your reality at the same time, that’s a level of self-awareness. And through self-awareness you’re able to be more present with your life.
And what that means is, you live life more on purpose. You live life with more meaning. You live life with more understanding, and through that understanding and that discernment, that intuitive discernment, you get to really experience more peace, right?
So, you find yourself able to handle and maneuver conflicts more successfully without feeling emotionally depleted or drained. You’re able to stand up for yourself, assert yourself in a, of course polite and tactful way, and most of all, you maintain a high frequency when you’re able to detach emotionally and observe the situation. And that’s what I mean by observing a situation or observing an experience and being the experiencer of that experience at the same time.
So multidimensional. Being, you know, embracing all aspects of yourself, right? Being the experiencer and the observer of the experience, right?
And so, as the observer, through self-awareness, you can detach from a potential conflict, escalating conflict, and then you can respond more deliberately and more effectively. Where you’re communicating yourself, where you’re allowing yourself to be more effective in the situation, where you are entering the experience with clarity, self-clarity and self-love and self-understanding and self-acceptance.
Discovering Your Personal Power
When you are engaging with life from that place, through self-awareness, you’re on shakable. Like, It doesn’t matter who is approving of you. It doesn’t matter who says this or says that about you. You’re able to remain in a frequency of just peace and calmness and serenity, because you know that you start to discover a level of your personal power that can never be taken from you. And you start exercising that power and you start seeing the result of that power through more clarity or you just having your way in the terms of creating your life, right?
So, as you become more self-aware, you no longer are interested in people who don’t support you, or people who are not healthy for you, or people who affect your frequency. You do what you have to do to maintain the environment, to maintain the circumstances and the situations in your life that’s going to enforce and allow for you to keep an optimal high vibrational frequency where you can truly experience life in a divine way – a divine, juicy, delicious way that I call soulful living.
So, self-awareness is key. Start putting yourself first. Put yourself first. Put your personal development first. Put your happiness first. Put the things that are truly important to you, put that first, you know.
Don’t think about other people so much, especially people who have always shamed you or shamed your abilities or didn’t get you or called you a weirdo or misjudged you and… You know, forget about it. Like, it’s you in your reality, and it’s like whatever is meaningful to you, you’re worth having.
But if you’re not – through self-awareness and through commitment to yourself first – if you’re not even clear on what kind of life you’re creating, then there’s no way you can really be creating it in a way that’s going to really truly give you the juicy, delicious results that you want.
And the opposite of that, or the results of not doing that, is a life that’s really not well lived. A life that’s not lived optimally. A life of you, you know, dimming your light and not really shining your light and being the best that you can be. And just really having the things that you want to have. And instead you’ll be wondering why it is that everybody else seems to be at a happier place than you are.
Keep Your Vibrations High
So, self-awareness, you know, start getting up a little bit earlier, starts spending a little time meditating in the mornings, start spending a little time being truly grateful and appreciative of the life that you’re living, no matter where you are. And start creating a clearer vision for your life. Start getting into your own inner world, right?
Everybody else is secondary to you. Your personal relationship with yourself, that is the number one most important relationship. So, start becoming aware of yourself. What is it… Start this self-discovery path.
So if you started that journey and then you stopped for whatever reason, because maybe you’ve had to care for a loved one or care for someone else, take care of someone else who may have been ill or maybe if you’re raising small children, there are many reasons that a person could end up putting others before themselves without realizing it.
But you have beautiful gifts to develop. You have beautiful gifts to nurture. You have beautiful gifts to truly activate and truly use as resources and life tools, so that you can truly create the blissful life that you’re really meant to have.
Start vibrating higher. Keep your vibrations high no matter what. Feel good no matter what.
Create a story in your mind about a beautiful life that you’re living and eventually you’ll truly be living that life, if it’s a life that you’re not living yet. But we’ve got to break out of the thinking, the non-conscious thinking, that keeps us trapped in a sense of depression, these cycles of depression, these cycles of sadness, these cycles of lack of inspiration, these cycles of just not really feeling motivated or excited about life.
Create your own excitement, create your own happiness, create everything. Create everything in your world that you want.
You be the creator of that. You clearly focus on it. Get clear on it and focus on it every single day and worry about other people less. Reach out to other people less and just take time for you.
Being the Manipulator of Your Life
It’s okay to be in a hermit mode sometimes, it’s healthy. When you come out of a hermit mode, whether it’s been a couple of months or even a month, Oh my gosh, you’ll come out of this sense of sacred time with yourself, with so much more awareness, with so much more knowledge and understanding. And once you understand yourself, you love yourself, you know, literally you can be the manipulator of your life.
And I say the word manipulator, manipulate your life because it’s really what you’re doing day-by-day, you’re manipulating your life.
When you’re creating your life, you’re manipulating your life. You’re manipulating energy so that you can really welcome in the things that you really want to experience – the loving relationships, the persons that who are going to get you. And even if they don’t get you, they’re going to appreciate you so much and really just want to add to all that you already are.
So, take some time. Be to yourself, you know? And you don’t have to explain yourself all the time. Stop explaining yourself. Stop apologizing for people.
Just get silent. Just get silent and watch how much your self-awareness increases. And when your self-awareness increases, you’ll find that… Man, nothing really bothers you anymore, you know? Because you’re very clear. You get wiser. You start to understand human nature better.
When you understand human nature, it is the ultimate game changer. I used to wonder, “Well, why does that person do that?” Or, like, you know, “Why does that person… I see them one day and they’re happy and we have really positive interaction” It was, like, “a beautiful conversation,” you know. And then the next time I see them it’s, like, you would think, “Why is the interaction not the same?”
And I used to take that so personally, like, “Oh maybe they don’t like me.” You know, it’s like, “Oh, does that person like me? Do they not like me?” And I used to always be on this emotional roller coaster ride.
Focus Energy on Yourself
Every time that I’ve ever focused on anybody else other than myself, I always lost. I always, you know, had these cycles of depressions in my relationships. I always had these cycles of this depression trying to figure out, like, “Yo, who am I? Who am I and why am I so different from other people?”
And I’m telling you, it’s the ultimate game changer when you start focusing all that energy on yourself. And let your energy, once you’ve really aligned your energy more and more and really purified your energy and got clear within yourself, and I say purify as in, like, you’ve visited those beliefs that you have. Whether it’s from social programming or from the life experiences that you’ve had from where persons have influenced you, particularly when you were younger, who had no idea of the experience of tapping into higher heights, because they’re not spiritually gifted.
That’s the essence of spiritual giftedness. It’s why you can pick up on energy, why you’re so sensitive with energy. It’s why you can go to bed and it’s like, have this beautiful euphoric dream where you’re flying or you’re up in the cosmos or you’re exploring other dimensions, the dream realm.
And I mean come on, that’s what they call astral traveling. I guess I found that out later on, like, “Oh, okay, there’s a word for this?”
You don’t deliberately intend to do that. These things just happen to you naturally because you’ve managed to maintain a certain level of consciousness. Perhaps because of past life you’ve lived or through your willingness to really grow. There’s many reasons why a person would be really activated and expanded in their consciousness in this life, you know, there’s not any one answer.
But the bottom line is, once I started to just really focus on myself, I realized my self-awareness really started to grow. I started to become more insightful about my own life, my childhood, the things that’s happened in my life, my own behavioral patterns and so on and so forth. And I took an empowered decision to really dissolve the energy patterns that didn’t serve me or that weren’t true for me based on who I had grown to become.
And the minute I started doing that and focusing less on other people, like, all of a sudden it’s like people… it started to evoke people to naturally be curious about me, you know? And people just calling, because even if they don’t have the language for it, they could feel that energy. They could really feel that energy, man.
And it’s like, when you just focus on you, your whole reality changes. You start experiencing the real quantum leaps – soul nourishing, peace and tranquility where like, man, even when you can even be by yourself but never lonely, right? You could be alone, whether you live alone or whatever the situation, you never feel lonely, even though you may live alone or you may be alone sometimes.
And then you start craving that alone time because you find that your energy… you actually start become so… even aware of your own energy and you just start enjoying your own energy.
And then when you feel like being social, you be social. And then you just want to be alone – you want to read, you want to journal, you want to relax, you want to just want to be with yourself, because you just in love with yourself. You just, through self-awareness, you end up growing more and more in love with yourself.
Go With The Flow
So, I hope that this has really inspired you to just become more self-aware.
Stop trying to figure out other people, become more self-aware and you’ll find that you’ll start to understand human nature better. You’ll start understanding human psychology better. You’ll start understanding, you know, that by nature, humans – including myself, including everybody – there’s that human aspect of us that’s just all hypocritical and we are, we really are.
Human nature is something else, you know?
When you understand human nature, you understand that, man, anything can happen. Let the right situation and the circumstances present themselves and you’ll see, you’ll see that human nature come out real quick.
So, when you understand human nature, you just kind of like go with the flow. You go with the flow and then you manipulate the energy as you’re going with the flow, so that things are energetically in favor for things that are beneficial for you.
You know, that’s a level of empowerment that you are awakened to, because you can’t be awake and really expect the same level of engagement around persons that are still sleeping or not awake yet, because we’re all on a spiritual journey and it’s no judgment. It’s not superior, inferior, it’s just a fact.
Everybody grows at a different rate, and everybody starts maturing at a different rate. And everybody’s consciousness expands at a different pace and that’s okay.
But you have the natural essence that allows you to really quickly process your emotions and really accelerate in your growth and expand your consciousness. So that’s a beautiful thing. Celebrate that.
Celebrate that, be proud of who you are. Be who you are authentically, genuinely, really be in love with yourself. Truly be in love with yourself and watch how your world radically transform and changes, right?
Put yourself first. Put yourself first. Be clear on what you want and live life from a centered place. Live life to the fullest. Do the things you love. Work towards being able to do the things that you want to do, those enriching experiences, and forget about everybody and you have a wonderful time.
And I’m not saying… And I’m not saying that you can’t care about people and things like that, but what I’m saying is that you got to come first. And that when you put yourself first in that way and through that self-love that you really develop, that kind of extends to other people, right? That extends to the people when you interact, so the quality of the interaction is better.
You know people, like, really enjoy you even more – your company, your energy – because they’re just wanting to experience that. Even though they can’t experience it for themselves, because they haven’t put in enough work to awaken in their self-awareness, you know, of the power of who they truly are. The power of their abilities and their consciousness and how they can actually expand it if they’re really just focused on it. Just really focus on that personal development, spiritual growth.
So, I hope this has inspired you. If you’re feeling down or, you know, if you’re just having an experience where it’s, “Oh, what is going on?” Just take it easy.
Just take it easy. Be present. Be comfortable in your uncomfortability, and just take it easy. Just take it easy. Lighten up and don’t take yourself so serious, you know.
Energy is always changing and moving, right? Energy is always moving. Things are always changing. Energy is very dynamic, so everything, all the creation is also dynamic. So just take it easy and just don’t take things so seriously, yeah?
So, I feel very blessed to have this platform where I can deliver these various inspiration for spiritually gifted persons. And as a spiritually gifted person, other spiritually gifted persons really have a special place in my heart.
It’s like, I get the journey, and I know that I’ve had some struggles in along my path, and I’ve really had to figure out a lot and make some tough decisions in my life that was very painful at the time.
And my intention is that, through this podcast, you don’t have to have such a difficult or unpleasant time walking on your path because of a lack of support.
My intention is that you find inspiration, and that you feel fulfilled, and that you find a way to truly become mentally stronger, and keep going forward and find love and peace and happiness and serenity and contentment in all circumstances, right?
So, my name is Athena Lucene, and I am a galactic beacon of love and light. I came to this planet to share and inspire and to assist you in your evolutionary journey back to the collective oneness, right?
And if you feel that there is someone that can benefit or that will be inspired by this podcast, share it in the spirit of love. Make sure you share your comments as well. I always look forward to receiving those and responding to them. It’s my absolute joy to support you on your spiritual growth.
So, I look forward to hearing from you, and that’s it for now. Abundant blessings and blissful moments.
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